Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Look Back

After a few days of classes, I am pretty sure that this semester will be awesome. Mind you, its still early, but the weeks ahead look promising.

But before I can go further into the future, I want to take a look back at some of the things I have learned from my first semester of college.

Things that I have learned in college:
  • Never take an 8am class. Ever.
  • Do not expect people driving or riding a bike to stop.
  • Netflix is my best friend. 
  • Whenever you plan on going to bed at a reasonable hour, you remember that there was something you forgot to do.
  • No matter what you are working on, at some point Facebook will distract you.
  • Did I mention not to take an 8am class?
  • Hip-hop actually is a viable form of music.
  • If you work on your homework on a consistent basis, you will not be up until 4 every night.
  • No matter how awful your dorm is, I will always trump you because I live in Lafollette.
  • Muncie is somehow more entertaining than wherever you came from.
  • Sunday night is the perfect time to watch football and catch up on homework.
Have a nice day!


  1. So true about the 8 am class... I learned that too during my freshmen year. I'll add a double don't do it if you live off campus. It makes it a million times harder to get there on time :)

  2. I can't agree with either of you more on the 8 am class...worst experience ever! I must disagree with the Lafollette thing though. Johnson B. We have no place to eat and the dreaded z-shaped rooms. Looking forward to moving out!

  3. So true! The one about getting ready for bed then realizing you forgot to do something happens to me all the time! As for the 8am classes - true that! I had Psychology at 8 last semester and it was horrible! I will never again take an 8am class.

  4. So true ! It was horrible of the 8 am class even the sun didn't rise up...

  5. I agree about the 8 a.m. class, I have one this semester and it's torture!
