Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Exhibit A As To Why People Under The Age Of 15 Should Not Get Record Contracts

I can't get this stupid song out of my head. No its not Creed, nor is it Nickelback. Its not even that godforsaken "Like A G6" song. It's the next internet sensation, Rebecca Black's "Friday."

I completely discovered the song by accident. For the past few days, one of the trending topics on Twitter has been "Rebecca Black." (SIDE NOTE: follow me- @tcrazyknuckles. Thanks.) I like to check out the trending topics every once in a while just to see what is happening in the world outside of my interests. After noticing her name slowly rising farther and farther on the list, I decided to check it out. I clicked on her name only to be flooded with a mass of Tweets proclaiming the joys of "Friday." So I decided to search the video to see if the Twitterverse was correct.

What I was greeted with was a disgrace to music. As I quickly discovered, all of the Tweets praising "Friday" were sarcasm at its best. For those of you who haven't heard this song, its basically a 13 year old girl singing about her "troubles" concerning the week, including not eating her cereal, waiting for the bus, and not knowing if she should sit in the front seat or the back seat with her friends (who are all also 13 but can somehow drive.) She then sings about the days of the week (for anyone who doesn't know them, presumably the target audience) and how the best one is Friday. Finally, a random middle-aged black guy (who looks suspiciously like Common) begins rapping about changing lanes in traffic. Needless to say, he has already killed his career before it even began.

Here is the link to the video for those of you who haven't seen it. WARNING: IT MAY CAUSE YOUR EARS TO BLEED!


  1. Okay to start off, her voice is very monotone! Goodness. She definitely annunciates her words. Two, yes, it is stupid that her friends are driving at the age of 13.

    But in all honesty, at least she is singing about something she knows about instead of love or partying. That's a good part of it.

  2. fun fun fun. lol this is the first that i have seen this video but i have heard about it several times throughout the week. I actually expected worse since i had heard such bad reviews on it. Definitely a deep, deep song. haha. she is part of the audience that MTV apparently targets...she seems innocent so far!

  3. And now it's totally in my head...bahh!
