Friday, March 25, 2011

The Problem With These Blogs...

I really wish most of you would post stuff more often, so I could actually comment on them. Instead, I'm stuck commenting on the same four or five peoples stuff. Not saying that I have a problem with those who I comment on, but a little variety would be nice.


  1. I agree, it seems like less and less people are posting lately.

  2. Its getting to that point of the semester when everything is piling up all at once. With all the tests and papers due its easy to foget about the blog. Speaking for myself, I tend to remember it, but rarely have the time to post something good. So… I end up just posting whatever I can, without putting a lot of thought into it.

  3. I try to post at least once a day but i do forget to post sometimes but my really problem is actually commenting that's more work than posting in my opinion.
