Monday, April 25, 2011

Band Of The Week- 4/25

This week's "Band of the Week" came a little early, but I write the blogs, so I can make the rules. This week its "Minus The Bear." During first semester, I discovered the band by working for WCRD's Music Team. Basically, my job was to listen to music and then decide if it was worth listening to on the radio. Most of the stuff we got would be sub-par demos from below average bands, but every once in awhile we would get a gem of a CD. Such is the case with Minus The Bear's "Omni." The entire album is amazing and it is easily one of the best albums I have listened to in a very long time.

For the sake of time, here is the lone single from the album. Keep in mind that as amazing its this song is, its one of the worse ones on the album. THAT is how good this band is.


  1. That seems like a sweet job to do! I would love to do that! Is it a lot of local bands? Not so much Muncie local but maybe Indy local.

  2. Have you listened to the band 12 stones? I am a big fan and I thought that if you haven't heard of them that you should
