Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The annoyances of being a single male in a world of females in relationships.

People never listen to me. They should, but they don't. I generally offer pretty good advice but unfortunately, it often times has to deal with things that they recipient doesn't want to hear, but are true. I even get people that come to me for advice and they still ignore it and almost every time, I end up being right. There is no better example of this than the numerous girls who come to me with problems with their boyfriend/boy-toy/friend with benefits/crush/etc.

For some reason, every girl thinks that I am the perfect person to listen to their relationship troubles. They come to me for advice and I tell them how I feel. On more than one occasion, I have had friends come to me talking about how their boyfriend does not treat them the way that he should. I have had friends who have dated physically-abusive boyfriends, guys who have cheated on them, and about every other situation you can think of. They come to me for advice and I tell them to break up. Do they? No. They continue to date the things that are causing so much grief in their lives.

Whats even more annoying is that I inevitably get a response that irks me even more. "I wish I dated a guy like you." THEN WHY DON'T YOU?! All of these girls are obviously smart enough to identify that their relationships have problems and that they deserve better, but they do absolutely nothing about it. So instead of me being in a nice, committed relationship, I'm stuck here just listening to the problems that everyone else has.

However, nothing even COMPARES to the sort of annoyance I get from women than that of the bitter ex. For example, I follow one of my good friends on Twitter and she recently (like 2 months ago) broke up with her boyfriend for some reason relating to him not treating her right (which I applauded her for doing.) However, little did I know that she would still be so bitter about it. For the past 2 months, my Twitter feed has been assaulted by how awful he is. Seriously? Move on. In addition to that, she keeps commenting on how the next relationship she gets into will be with someone who treats her well. But has she done anything about that? Nope. Instead, she just keeps posting depressing (and annoying) tweets.

Women need to understand that life is not like it is in romance films. There is no Prince Charming that will sweep her off of her feet, no knight in shining armor to come and save her from the perils that are the male gender, and there definitely is no moment that is in ANY Nicholas Sparks novel. At the same time, men need to realize that women should be treated with respect and compassion, not as arm candy.

Obviously, there is a lot that everyone needs to work on, but it looks like until we get to that point, I will just be stuck here being the advice column that nobody reads.

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