Friday, February 11, 2011

I wish I lived in a place that allowed me to be more open in my opinions. For anyone that actually knows me, my opinions are probably a lot different than yours. I'm a much more liberal person than most of the Midwest likes to entertain and this causes me to butt heads with a large majority of the conservative population. Don't hate me for it. That's just who I am.

People tend to write me off from right off the bat as being one thing or another. I say one word and then I become vilified for what I think. For example, in the argument of abortion, I personally am Pro-Choice. However, this does not mean that I support abortions. My stance is that the government should not be the ones to make the decision on this discussion. Rather, it should be the choice of those who it directly affects. The problem arises when I attempt to explain my position. Most people hear the words "Pro-Choice" and they immediately hate me. I understand that while we may not agree on the subject, at least give me a chance to explain myself.

My opinion is my opinion. Respect that. It may not be your opinion, but it is mine. If you really have that big of a problem with what I have to say, then don't listen.

1 comment:

  1. part of this class is to find research to support that opinion - maybe next time don't open with "pro-choice," open with something else and let your audience realize your stance through your discourse
